MVB Brand Elements & Services
These are the first steps of successful MVB brand building. Do these well and you will be amazed!
Brand Story
Brand storytelling taps into the foundational human need to connect with others through story. Brand story is not an information blast about your product or a company – it is focuses on the founder’s story and the journey how a product or service evolved and how it responded to challenges.
2. Logo
Basically logos are symbols made up of text and images that help us identify brands. But they can be so much more. A good logo is the cornerstone of your brand. It helps customers understand what you do, who you are and what you value. That’s a lot of responsibility for a tiny image!
3. Visual identity
Visual identity is all of the imagery and graphical information that expresses who a brand is and differentiates it from all the others. You only make a first impression once so the look and feel of your brand is a big component in it’s success.
4. Home Page
It takes less than a second to form a first impression of someone. When it comes to your brand, it’s better not to risk it. It takes about 50 milliseconds (0.05 seconds) for people to form an opinion about your website (8ways, 2019).
5. Company Presentation
For any entrepreneurs, getting to meet investors and present their case is a big win. But what usually follows is a big disappointment as only 0.91% of such entrepreneurs succeed in getting funded by angel investors, and only 0.05% succeed in getting venture capital funding.
You don’t want to be in that 99.09%. We make sure that you put your best foot forward when you meet investors, by creating a comprehensive easily understood pitch deck for you to present
6. Team Photos
Professional team photos give a personality and a human touch to your company. After all, it’s the people and the passionated team who makes the company.
7. Marketing Materials
Marketing is one of the most important things a business can do. Not only does marketing build brand awareness but it can also increase sales, grow businesses and engage customers. There are many core business functions that stem from marketing – this is why you should work your marketing materials right before going out and starting actual marketing.
7. Brand book
Consistent branding across all channels can increase revenue by 23%. Meaning that your company needs a brand book, but it doesn’t have to be thick as a phonebook. MVB Brand book describes how to use the elements of the brand, logo, brand colors and typography.
9. Company Video
According to research, 94% of marketers say using video content has helped increase user understanding of a product or service. Customers will only buy your product when they understand what it does and how it will help them.
10. Value proposition
And last, but not least: The value proposition. The value proposition is crafted to communicate the idea that consumers can receive the highest possible value or benefit from purchasing the company's products — greater value or benefit than they can receive from other companies' products. MVB can help you create your impactful value proposition.
Looking for something more?”
Other value increasing services by MVB
Package Design
It is proven that distinct package designs have a huge impact on sales. Well designed packaging plays a key role in a product’s success. “At the store the package is does all the selling…”
Growth hack
Small companies needs to be creative & smart to challenge bigger competitors. By using effective marketing tactics such as growth hack and guerilla marketing, small companies can make huge impact with small investment.
UI / UX Design
“UI is how good the car looks, UX is how good you feel driving it…” Customer experience at your platform, store or home page can be easy and fun or difficult and vague.